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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

AAC systems may be aided or unaided communication styles or devices. Unaided communication systems include facial expressions and gestures, as well as using sign language. Aided communication systems or devices may include using a picture system or a tablet to communicate. If your child is not yet ready to use verbal communication, it is imperative that a communication system/device is provided to them so that they may have a voice in their world. There are a variety of AAC styles and devices available, and the speech therapist will help you identify the best style or system that would fit your child and family the best. In most cases, sign language is the first unaided AAC taught to a child. If your child is not successful with sign language, another system or device will be recommended. Speech therapy with your child who requires AAC will be a parent-coaching delivery model (video). As your child becomes a more independent communicator, the service delivery model may shift to a more direct model (video) where the speech therapist will be working more directly with your child. However, it is important to remember that the speech therapist may only spend 1-1.5 hours a week with your child, while you spend every day with them. Therefore, in most cases, the parent coaching model, is recommended in order for you to learn how to elicit language and support your child. Click here for your free 15 minute parent consultation.

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